induction (dc1)
induction (dc1)
A Sample Induction Course
Q1 2024 - Effective Meetings - Scott Small
Skill Development
Effective Meetings
Q1 2024 - Effective Meetings - Scott Small
Meetings are frequently held with supervisor’s, peers, management teams, subordinates, business owners, and suppliers. They are an important part of virtually everyone’s professional life. Effective use of meeting time moves us toward our...
Q1 2024 Goal Setting & Review (GS&R)
Skill Development
Goal Setting & Review
Q1 2024 Goal Setting & Review (GS&R)

This skill is used to maintain attention on achieving a goal by providing the necessary levels of direction, development and support. Used primarily during weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly meeting to help the supervisor or coach, when working with...

Q1 Jan 2024 - 10AM Priority Management (Scott Small)
Skill Development
Priority Management
Q1 Jan 2024 - 10AM Priority Management (Scott Small)

The purpose of the Priority Management skill is to assist individuals in making effective use of their available time to achieve important goals.

4 weeks

Jan 18th, 25th, Feb 1st, 8th

1/18 - 90 min, All others - 60 min


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