Skill Development → Effective Meetings

Q1 2024 - Effective Meetings - Scott Small

Meetings are frequently held with supervisor’s, peers, management teams, subordinates, business owners, and suppliers. They are an important part of virtually everyone’s professional life. Effective use of meeting time moves us toward our various objectives; however, a poor meeting can be a waste of time. Therefore, effective meeting management is essential to enable our dynamic company to progress in the most effective and efficient manner possible. This model should be used every time you are about to chair a meeting. It is also very useful for all meeting participants. A meeting can occur in person, on the telephone, by videoconference or, in some cases, by computer only.

Note: This course is open to everybody

3 Weeks
Dates Jan 29 (90min), Feb 5 (60min), Feb 12 (60min)
Mondays 1pm EST

  • Week 1 - Meeting Plan Part I & II
  • Week 1 - Prework
  • What you will learn?
  • The Office INeffective Meeting (1:59)
  • Effective Meetings Week 1 Purpose and Outcomes.mp4 (3:40)
  • the-surprising-science-of-meetings-rogelberg-en-36255.pdf
  • How to save the world (or at least yourself) from bad meetings (6:44)
  • Defining Meeting Types
  • Meeting Agenda - Why do you need one?
  • Meeting Agenda - Suggestions on Approach (5:48)
  • Meeting Agenda - Use Questions
  • Week 1 - Postwork
  • Reflections Week 1
  • Week 2 - Tone and Storytelling
  • Week 2 - Prework
  • Upload an upcoming agenda of a meeting you will be having in the future.
  • Every Meeting Ever (3:16)
  • Tone - An important consideration
  • Storytelling
  • Brilliant Storytelling w/Dan Loc
  • Tell Me a Story
  • Week 2 - Postwork
  • Reflections Week 2
  • Week 3 - Meeting Management, Closing and Follow Up - Meeting Effectiveness 6d
  • Week 3 - Prework
  • How NOT to Run a Meeting (3:06)
  • Meeting Mgt - The Chairperson
  • A Poorly Managed Meeting
  • Mind Your Manners!
  • Key R's of a Meeting Leader
  • Good Meeting Communication
  • Tell Me A Story Part Two!
  • Final Assignment
  • Week 3 - Appendix - 7 Deadly Sins of Meeting Mgt
  • Reflections Week 3
  • Effective Meetings Final Feedback
  • Course Completion
  • Final Approval
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 2 years