Skill Development → Goal Setting & Review

Q1 2024 Goal Setting & Review (GS&R)


This skill is used to maintain attention on achieving a goal by providing the necessary levels of direction, development and support. Used primarily during weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly meeting to help the supervisor or coach, when working with subordinates or learners, to set and meet their shared goals each week or month, that correspond to achieve annual objectives.

Note: This course is intended for people managers. You must have at least 1 direct report to apply.

4 weeks

Jan 30- 90min, Feb 6, 13, 20 - 60min

Tuesdays 1pm EdT

  • Week 1 - Introduction: Why GS&R, Overview, & Timeline (Due Day Before Class)
  • Week 1 Prework
  • Week 1. ARTICLE- Meeting With Purpose. The Unique Benefits of 1-on-1 Meetings
  • Week 1. GS&R Self Evaluation
  • Week 1. What is Goal Setting & Review (1:57)
  • Week 1. Why GS&R?
  • Week 1. The GS&R Process Overview (3:30)
  • Week 1. Goal Setting & Review Sample Timeline (3:22)
  • Week 1. Identify ONE Direct Report.
  • Week 1 Postwork
  • Week 1 Reflections
  • Week 2 - GS&R Prep and Document Overview(Due Day Before Class)
  • Week 2 Prework
  • Week 2. Goal Setting & Review - Preparation (3:36)
  • Week 2. Goal Setting & Review Prep Document Overview (4:44)
  • Week 2. GS&R - Prep Form Template - 2021
  • Week 2. Preparation Document - Draft 1
  • 1 - Brief Catch Up-Small Talk (1:06)
  • 2 - Primary Goals - Last Week (1:36)
  • 3 - Primary Goals - Key Takeaways (1:13)
  • 4 - Primary Goals - Process Review (1:58)
  • 5 - Secondary Goals - Last Week (1:08)
  • Week 2 Postwork
  • Week 2 Reflections
  • Week 3 - The Meeting - Part 1 (Due Day Before Class)
  • Week 3 Prework
  • 6 - Upcoming Week Primary Goals (1:32)
  • 7 - Dig Into Primary Objective (1:09)
  • 8 - Dig Deeper into Primary - Re-writing the goal for clarity (1:27)
  • 9 - Dig Deeper even deeper into Primary - Re-writing the goal for clarity (2:08)
  • 10 - Barriers to Primary and Problem Solving (0:55)
  • 11 - Alignment on the why_ but the process is key (1:32)
  • Week 3. Preparation Document - Draft 2
  • Week 3 Postwork
  • Week 3 Reflections
  • Week 4 - The Meeting - Part 2 & Wrap-up (Due Day Before Class) 1d
  • Week 4 Prework
  • 12 - Upcoming Secondary objectives (2:02)
  • 13 - Barriers to Secondary (2:34)
  • 14 - Barriers to Secondary - digging deeper (1:38)
  • 15 - Review other key activities (0:36)
  • 16 - Other key activity blockages (0:55)
  • 17 - Validation of Primary and Secondary Objectives for the Week (1:27)
  • 18 - Wrap up conversation for other items of importance (2:51)
  • 19 - Learner check-in with Leader on progress and work output (0:44)
  • Goal Setting & Review - Course Completion Option
  • Week 4 Reflections
  • Goal Setting & Review Final Feedback
  • Closing the Loop
  • Course Completion
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 2 years